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Board of Directors Open Business Meeting Minutes 17-Sept-2024 - Draft

Board of Directors Open Business Meeting Minutes



Board Members Present

Board Members Absent

Mark Anderson, President

Karen Cole, Vice President

Wayne Garman, Treasurer

Wes Seeger, Secretary

Sean Aronson, Member at Large

Wayne Fleming, Member at Large

Darryl Horsman, Member at Large

Jeff Hanson, Member at Large

Debbie Aubrey, Member at Large


Members Present

Lindsay Estabrooks

Beki Horsman

Olivia Andrae

Denise Juillard

Call to Order:

Mark Anderson called the meeting to order at 5:31 p.m. by video conference call.



Meeting Minutes:

A motion was made by Jeff Hanson and seconded by Karen Cole to approve the minutes from the Board’s Open Business meeting held on 18-June-24, as distributed. The motion carried unanimously with no further discussion.

Financial Report:

  • august was a loss of $30,700+ year to date net cash flow was $97,000+
  • $45,000 less than previous year.
  • profit $128000
  • Major expense of painting of ice shed
  • $3300 interest receive on a 100k deposit
  • 63 lockers $7,000
  • A motion was made by Mark Anderson and seconded by Wayne Fleming to approve the August financial report. The motion carried unanimously with no further discussion.


Committee Reports and Recommendations:

Budget – Paige Peterson

  • No Report provided.
  • Amy sent locker invoice.
  • Paige will be putting together budget but waiting for Leagues, and Building.

Building – Kelly Fleischaker, Wayne Fleming

  • Report provided.

o   New scoreboards in but waiting for install.

o   New TV installed.

o   New Lockers came in lockers installed, final alterations in process.

Events –Jenn Collins, Christy Trageton

Members: Karen Cole, Jenn Collins, Denise Juillard, Ashley Siggins (ad hoc), Christy Trageton.

  • Report provided.
  • More Fall Fiesta and Spring Training registrations.
  • First bonspiel playbook meeting shortly after season opener. Darryl suggested use of a Zoom meeting for the playbook
  • Craig Kochen event – Karen went through the whole calendar and provided possible dates with possible scheduling conflicts. Darryl will send the Kochen RFP, suggested start is November 2025.


Leagues – Beki Horsman, Sean Aronson

Members: Wayne Fleming, Wes Seeger, Tracy Drummond, Joseph Rice.

  • Report provided.
  • League registrations awesome in August.
  • Some registrations were after the closure so manual registration happened and invoice will have to be sent. For those who were manually registered Beki will send invoice. Discussion re: whether to continue ‘fee assistance’

Marketing and Communications - Darryl Horsman

  • No Report provided.
  • Nothing New to report.
  • All setup through Nov. 20.
  • Front door sign vendor has been out for measurements but it has been unreasonably delayed so Darryl will issue and ultimatum or consider vendor change.
  • Beki reported that due to change room changes there is now locker backs which could be used for marketing and volunteer announcements.

Membership and Skills Development – Lindsay Estabrooks and Wes Seeger

  • No Report provided.
  • 156 members at this point, we have 100 people from last year that haven’t renewed.
  • First ITC starts 9/28
  • First TC Oct. 12.
  • Wes has been working on practice schedule with Sun Devil practices


Women’s Committee – Denise Juillard, Debra Aubrey.

  • No Report provided.
  • Meeting will be scheduled for beginning or October.


Pandemic Operational Protocol Committee – Wes Seeger, Jenn Collins, Mark Anderson, Tom Fuller, and Jeff Baird.

  • No report provided.
  • There is a new strain and members may want to consider vaccinations updates.

Old Business:


Volunteer appreciation program [D. Aubrey, M. Anderson, Lindsay Estabrooks

·       Debbie has looked at the app that tracks and monitors volunteer participation

·       It must track activities and will continue to look with help from other members.

·       Volunteer guideline document draft is complete and has been distributed for review.





New Business:


·       2409-001 – Plan to raise bar prices [Mark Anderson]

o   Prices to increase by $1 per drink for most beverage

o   Most wines unchanged

o   Some prices haven’t increased since 2019 but costs have been going up

o   Non-alcoholic will not increase.

o   Popular drinks that were reasonably priced have increased in volume eg. Mules, gin & tonic are now a loss leader so prices rising

o   Discussion re: whether board should be involved in Bar pricing decisions

o   Should Price increases to members be a board decision

o   Much discussion re: board, possibility of how to handle if bar goes to a contractor suggestion.   Perhaps board should only issue guidance re: what percentage of profit should be expected.

o   Perhaps board should only be involved if prices become unreasonable to the members

·       Consensus, bar can proceed as planned.



·       Financial re-structure concept for funding permanent facility

o   Should we focus a particular branch of proceeds towards a new facility

o   Ie. Operating pool, emergency pool, home sweet home fund

o   Advantage of a dedicated fund is that make members aware of where we are and if members want to dedicate of new facility they have a fund to contribute to.

o   Need to explore the idea.

o   Mark Anderson, Wayne Garman, Paige Peterson will meet to discuss a proposal. Others who are interested in participating can let Mark know so.



In Committee


Detailed Business Model for Corporate Events [Lindsay Estabrooks, Membership Committee] - Report Pending


Stone replacement [S Aaronson, Budget Committee]

·       New rocks cost CAD 15,500 per sheet for new rocks with a lead time of about 18 months. [At today’s exchange rates … USD $11,364]

·       Reconditioning our current rocks - would need to wait until next summer as Canada Curling Stone (vendor) is at capacity right now. 

o    Recondition strike bands – CAD 1,600 per sheet.

o    Recondition running surface both sides – CAD 1,800 per sheet.

o    Shipping per sheet – CAD 1,500 each way

o    Total per sheet: CAD 6,400 per sheet
[At today’s exchange rate … USD $4848 per sheet]

·       Proposal is to ship all 5 sets. Canada Curling Stone will identify the best, most matched 4 sets out of those rocks.

o    Will vendor only ship 4 sets back?


Volunteer appreciation program [D. Aubrey, M. Anderson, Lindsay Estabrooks, Executive Committee]

·       Devise a strategy and rewards for an effective Volunteer Appreciation Program

·       Approve new guidelines and a potential Volunteer App.


Records Retention [D Aubrey, Executive Committee]

·       Digitize existing corporate paper documents.

·       Set up a repeatable structure for storage of digitized corporate documents.


Update on Insurance Claim. [Mark Anderson]

·       No Update, move to In Committee


Next Meeting: Tuesday, October 15/2024 @ 5:30P.M. by video/conference call

Adjournment: A motion was made by Karen Cole and seconded by Wes Seeger to adjourn the meeting at 6:41 p.m. The motion carried unanimously with no further discussion.

Note: The Board of Directors Open Business Meeting Minutes are maintained on the cccmember site for the last three months. If a member would like to see minutes from a prior meeting or meetings, please send a request to the current secretary at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Respectfully Submitted,

W. Seeger, Secretary

Coyotes Curling Club

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