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Board of Directors Open Business Meeting Minutes 18-June-2024

Board of Directors Open Business Meeting Minutes


Approved July 23, 2024

Board Members Present

Board Members Absent

Mark Anderson, President

Karen Cole, Vice President

Wayne Garman, Treasurer

Wes Seeger, Secretary

Sean Aronson, Member at Large

Wayne Fleming, Member at Large

Debbie Aubrey, Member at Large

Darryl Horsman, Member at Large

Jeff Hanson, Member at Large


Members Present

Lindsay Estabrooks

Call to Order:

Mark Anderson called the meeting to order at 5:34 p.m. by video conference call.


Election of Officers

a)     President – Mark volunteered to restand, board affirmed unanomously

b)    Vice-President – Karen volunteered to restand, board affirmed u

c)     Treasurer – Wayne volunteered to restand, board affirmed u

d)    Secretary – Wes volunteered to restand, board affirmed u

Selection of Committee Liaisons

a)      Budget – Wayne G

b)      Building – Wayne F

c)       Events - Karen

d)      Leagues - Sean

e)      Marketing and Communications - Darryl

f)        Membership and Skills – Jeff Hanson

g)       Women’s - Debbie

h)      Pandemic Operational Protocol – Mark Anderson



Meeting Minutes:

A motion was made by Karen Cole and seconded by Wayne Fleming to approve the amended minutes from the Board’s Open Business meeting held on 28-May-24, as distributed. The motion passed unanimously with no further discussion.

Financial Report:

  • Wayne reviewed the financial report highlights for April. expenses exceeded revenues by $3600+ and annual profit is at $15,000.
  • League fees generated about same level as this time last year.
  • Corporate events generated $5300 profit in may, Corp down $14000 to date, LTC down $4000 to date.
  • Insurance will be going up 12%

A motion was made by Mark Anderson and seconded by Debbie to approve the May financial report. The motion passed unanimously with no further discussion.


Committee Reports and Recommendations:

Budget – Paige Peterson

  • No reports provided.
  • No meeting, nothing to report.
  • Paige will be starting the budget shortly.


Building – Kelly Fleischaker, Wayne Fleming

  • Report provided.
  • Met to discuss items to take care of over summer

o   Lighting ballasts need to be looked at

o   Committee would like to purchase more lockers, there is a need for more lockers looking to the future. Possible to go in current change room. Possible change in size and shape.

o   Painting request to be covered in New Business.

o   Question re: maintenance agreement for refrigerator in bar. Bar committee is investigating.

Events –Jenn Collins, Christy Trageton

Members: Karen Cole, Jenn Collins, Denise Juillard, Ashley Siggins (ad hoc), Christy Trageton.

  • Report provided.
  • As of right now it looks like only 18 or 19 teams signed up for Hollywood ‘On Location’.
  • Continuing discussion re: bonspiel fees. Proposal from Karen to raise all bonspiels to $440 except Purkey which would be to $400. Price permits some room for food purchase.

o   Karen moved, seconded by Jeff Hanson to increase purkey to $400 and all other bonspiel others to $440 for 24-25, carried. Board requested events to track and report gains/losses, Karen Cole/Wayne Garman.


Leagues – Beki Horsman, Sean Aronson

Members: Wayne Fleming, Wes Seeger, Tracy Drummond, Joseph Rice.

  • No Report provided.
  • Waiting for stats on B Schedule leagues.
  • Sean looked at league registration amounts at other clubs and it is all over the board.
  • Mark will review survey comments re: league fees as compared to other sports.

Marketing and Communications - Darryl Horsman

  • No Report provided.
  • Darryl has been in contact with bonspiel chairs and has materials mostly completed, should have ready for publication web, social and paper within a week.
  • Membership should provide some member centric information for social feeds.

Membership and Skills Development – Lindsay Estabrooks and Wes Seeger

  • No Report provided.
  • The first two Learn to Curl and Intro to Curling have been calendar.
  • Kevin Martin has offered to do an advanced, if we can get a date we try to schedule

Women’s Committee – Denise Juillard, Debra Aubrey.

  • Reports provided.
  • Denise would like to step down as chair but will finish one more year if needed.
  • Need a new USWCA rep., Debbie is looking.
  • A women’s camaraderie evening is being scheduled to build spirit.


Pandemic Operational Protocol Committee – Wes Seeger, Jenn Collins, Mark Anderson, Tom Fuller, and Jeff Baird.

  • No report provided.

Old Business:




Raise bonspiel fees. Covered in Events committee.





New Business:


Potential short-term facility changes to address concerns/improvements

·       The member survey results indicated some concern over lockers and the shared changing rooms. Mark feels that we should eliminate the shared room.

·       Debbie mentioned that some discomfort comes from changing in locker room. Karen suggested a rule to prevent changing from the locker area and a door closure between rooms.

·       Jeff suggested making current locker room/mixed change room be turned into men only and a converted storage area become women only.

·       Mark will do further study and get back to board


MOPAC request to host arena ice championships

·       MoPac has requested that we host Arena Playdowns in the June ’25 slot that we temporarily allocated for MoPac.

·       Karen, since none of our players would play in the Arena Playdown we will have trouble getting volunteers.

·       General Consensus is to proceed with the proviso that MoPac must guarantee sufficient volunteers


Update on insurance claim

·       We had an injury/insurance complaint that is now being handled at the insurance company level


Pricing structure for external upcoming events like MOPAC, USWCA,…

·       Mark feels we should offer the same pricing for now. General consensus to maintain status quo. Mark moved, seconded by Debbie, that we maintain the status quo for rates to MoPac and USCWA events for 2024-25 – passed unanimously.


Building committee would like to employ a contractor to paint the interior of the ice house - quotes range between $13,000-$19,000

·       Wayne Fleming indicated all walls inside ice house should be painted, excluding the current painted stripe. Work would occur before ice goes out. Wayne Garman indicated building budget exists. Most concern is for ice crew constraints. The board is conceptional in favor of the painting with the constraint that it must be coordinated with ice crew and adhere it ice crew constraints.


In Committee


Detailed Business Model for Corporate Events [Lindsay Estabrooks, Membership Committee] - Report Pending


Stone replacement [S Aaronson, Budget Committee]

·       New rocks cost CAD 15,500 per sheet for new rocks with a lead time of about 18 months. [At today’s exchange rates … USD $11,364]

·       Reconditioning our current rocks - would need to wait until next summer as Canada Curling Stone (vendor) is at capacity right now. 

o    Recondition strike bands – CAD 1,600 per sheet.

o    Recondition running surface both sides – CAD 1,800 per sheet.

o    Shipping per sheet – CAD 1,500 each way

o    Total per sheet: CAD 6,400 per sheet
[At today’s exchange rate … USD $4848 per sheet]

·       Proposal is to ship all 5 sets. Canada Curling Stone will identify the best, most matched 4 sets out of those rocks.

o    Will vendor only ship 4 sets back?


Volunteer appreciation program [D. Aubrey, M. Anderson, Lindsay Estabrooks, Executive Committee]

·       Devise a strategy and rewards for an effective Volunteer Appreciation Program


Records Retention [D Aubrey, Executive Committee]

·       Digitize existing corporate paper documents.

·       Set up a repeatable structure for storage of digitized corporate documents.

Next Meeting: Tuesday, July 23/2024 @ 5:30P.M. by video/conference call

Adjournment: A motion was made by Karen Cole and seconded by Mark Anderson to adjourn the meeting at 7:10 p.m. The motion passed unanimously with no further discussion.

Note: The Board of Directors Open Business Meeting Minutes are maintained on the cccmember site for the last three months. If a member would like to see minutes from a prior meeting or meetings, please send a request to the current secretary at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Respectfully Submitted,

W. Seeger, Secretary

Coyotes Curling Club

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