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Board of Directors Open Business Meeting Minutes 18-February-2025




Coyotes Curling Club

2202 W. Medtronic Way, Suite 101

Tempe, AZ 85281

Board of Directors Open Business Meeting Minutes


Approved 18-March-2025

Board Members Present

Board Members Absent

Mark Anderson, President

Wayne Garman, Treasurer

Wes Seeger, Secretary

Sean Aronson, Member at Large

Wayne Fleming, Member at Large

Jeff Hanson, Member at Large

Darryl Horsman, Member at Large

Debra Aubrey, Member at Large

Karen Cole, Vice President


Members Present

Lindsay Estabrooks

Call to Order:

Mark Anderson called the meeting to order at 5:31 p.m. by video conference call.


Meeting Minutes:

A motion was made by Jeff Hanson and seconded by Mark Anderson to approve the minutes from the Board’s Open Business meeting held on 21-Jan-24, as distributed. The motion carried unanimously.

Financial Report:

  • January was a loss month with an actual loss of $14,000~.
  • $100,000 invested in December @ 3.75%.
  • Try Curling and LTCs had positive earnings.
  • USWCA dues were paid
  • A motion was made by Wayne Fleming and seconded by Mark Anders to approve the January financial report. The motion carried unanimously with no further discussion.

Committee Reports and Recommendations:

Budget – Paige Peterson

  • No Report provided.
  • Nothing new from budget.

Building – Kelly Fleischaker, Wayne Fleming

  • Report provided.
  • Meeting was held, nothing new for the board.
  • The issue of unlocked door and lights was addressed by email. Suggestion made to have the Bar people lock the doors when they leave.

Events –Jenn Collins, Christy Trageton

Members: Karen Cole, Jenn Collins, Denise Juillard, Ashley Siggins (ad hoc), Christy Trageton.

  • Report provided.
  • Nothing extra above report.
  • Spring Training is sold out.


Leagues – Beki Horsman, Sean Aronson

Members: Wayne Fleming, Wes Seeger, Tracy Drummond, Joseph Rice, Lindsay Estabrooks.

  • No report provided.
  • Season 2B started today. Tuesday late is full, TGIF has 15 and is schedule to be a mentored development league, Sunday has 12. Tuesday afternoon will likely be cancelled due to lack of participation.
  • Season 3 registration opens on March 1.

Marketing and Communications - Darryl Horsman

  • No Report provided.
  • Business as usual, posts are updated through March.

Membership and Skills Development – Lindsay Estabrooks and Wes Seeger

  • No Report provided.
  • 225 is current membership which is about equal to last year.
  • Current Intro to Curling has 14 with 4 added from other Try Curlings.


Women’s Committee – Denise Juillard, Debra Aubrey.

  • Report provided.
  • Meeting held.
  • Donna Purkey planning, piper, food, Hal’s attendance are all arranged, and prizes is under way.


Club Safety Committee – Wes Seeger, Jenn Collins, Mark Anderson, Tom Fuller, and Jeff Baird.

  • No report provided.
  • Jeff will get with Wes to schedule a meeting.

Old Business:

2412 - 003

Hollywood Event

·       Scheduled for May 21st, Hollywood President called Mark and reported that they don’t have enough members to have the bonspiel so will have to cancel.

2407 - 010

Kochen Event

·       This would replace the Fall Fiesta

·       Recruitment will be for higher caliber teams but not to compete with the Wrench. Would be men only.

·       Several Questions re:

·       revenue vs prizes vs the revenue from Fall Fiesta,

·       men only vs open

·       should we charge like we do for MoPac events

·       would timing be better in April/May

·       Darryl will take it back to Craig to discuss the questions.

2309 - 01

Volunteer Appreciation

·       Debbie is working on completion of the document




New Business:


2026 MoPac Event Bids [Mark Anderson]

·       Mixed Doubles, Arena Playdowns, 25U event are possibilities.

o   We need to decide which, if any we want to bid on.

o   Mixed Doubles was suggested and U25 for the following year. Arena isn’t really in our wheelhouse.

o   Mark will propose to the MoPac that we will bid for Mixed Doubles but if we don’t get we will bid for U25

·       Pricing – our operating costs are going up primarily due to rent increases of 27%

o   Mark moved, seconded by Jeff Hanson that; we inform MoPac we will be raising our usage fees by 20% for 25/26 season. Motion Carried.



Dedicated Building Fund Financial Arrangements – Working Group

·       Mark presented a sample proposal to set up a policy for downpayment, relocation and build out for a new dedicated facility with the goal of raising money by 2028.

·       A policy proposal for locations which would be publicized to members.

·       Such a fundraising proposal would be managed by 2 accounts, one for club allocations, one for private contributions. The club allocation account could be used to lend money back to the club in case of emergency. The private account will not be eligible for club operations.

·       Investment policy will be to keep all investments simple and low risk, with a significant portion in short term investments to maintain liquidity.

·       A communication document was drafted to provide members with explanation for this process.

·       The board is asked to review the documents and provide suggestions for improvement.

·       Having a town hall was suggested to broach the topic with the membership to obtain feedback. Mark will draft materials for town hall meetings and a proposed schedule for meetings. Materials will include some pricing projections based on various purchase options and the effect on league fees.

·       Jeff suggested we start raising money with merch sales and bonspiel sponsors and will draw up a proposal.



In Committee


Detailed Business Model for Corporate Events [Lindsay Estabrooks, Membership Committee] - Report Pending


Stone replacement [S Aaronson, Budget Committee]

·       New rocks cost CAD 15,500 per sheet for new rocks with a lead time of about 18 months. [At today’s exchange rates … USD $11,364]

·       Reconditioning our current rocks - would need to wait until next summer as Canada Curling Stone (vendor) is at capacity right now. 

o    Recondition strike bands – CAD 1,600 per sheet.

o    Recondition running surface both sides – CAD 1,800 per sheet.

o    Shipping per sheet – CAD 1,500 each way

o    Total per sheet: CAD 6,400 per sheet
[At today’s exchange rate … USD $4848 per sheet]

·       Proposal is to ship all 5 sets. Canada Curling Stone will identify the best, most matched 4 sets out of those rocks.

o    Will vendor only ship 4 sets back?


Volunteer appreciation program [D. Aubrey, M. Anderson, Lindsay Estabrooks, Executive Committee]

·       Devise a strategy and rewards for an effective Volunteer Appreciation Program

·       Approve new guidelines and a potential Volunteer App.


Records Retention [D Aubrey, Executive Committee]

·       Digitize existing corporate paper documents.

·       Set up a repeatable structure for storage of digitized corporate documents.


Dedicated Building Fund Financial Arrangements – Working Group

·       set up policies for downpayment, relocation and build out for a new dedicated facility with the goal of raising money by 2028.


Next Meeting: Tuesday, April 15/2025 @ 5:30P.M. by video/conference call

Adjournment: A motion was made by Debra Aubrey and seconded by Wayne Fleming to adjourn the meeting at 6:49 p.m. The motion carried unanimously with no further discussion.

Note: The Board of Directors Open Business Meeting Minutes are maintained on the cccmember site for the last three months. If a member would like to see minutes from a prior meeting or meetings, please send a request to the current secretary at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Respectfully Submitted,

W. Seeger, Secretary

Coyotes Curling Club

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2202 W Medtronic Way #101
Tempe, Arizona, 85281

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