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Board of Directors Open Business Meeting Minutes 23-July-2024

Board of Directors Open Business Meeting Minutes


Approved August 20, 2024

Board Members Present

Board Members Absent

Mark Anderson, President

Karen Cole, Vice President

Wayne Garman, Treasurer

Wes Seeger, Secretary

Sean Aronson, Member at Large

Wayne Fleming, Member at Large

Debbie Aubrey, Member at Large

Darryl Horsman, Member at Large

Jeff Hanson, Member at Large


Members Present

Lindsay Estabrooks

Beki Horsman

Call to Order:

Mark Anderson called the meeting to order at 5:31 p.m. by video conference call.



Meeting Minutes:

A motion was made by Karen Cole and seconded by Mark anderson to approve the minutes from the Board’s Open Business meeting held on 18-June-24, as distributed. The motion carried unanimously with no further discussion.

Financial Report:

  • June was basically break even, year to date net cash flow was $111641.
  • League fees generated about same level as this time last year.
  • Corporate events generated $6300 profit in June, Corp down $14000 to date, LTC down $4000 to date.
  • A motion was made by Debbie Aubrey and seconded by Mark Anderson to approve the June financial report. The motion carried unanimously with no further discussion.


Committee Reports and Recommendations:

Budget – Paige Peterson

  • Report provided.
  • Darryl will ask Paige to recruit new members.
  • Member support donations have dropped substantially without many requests for financial support so Wayne would like program to be dropped for next season. Beki will remove the links on the registration pages.
  • There are two back board sponsors who haven’t paid and Wayne would like them dropped. Darryl will take them down.
  • Paige will be starting the budget shortly and will be asking for submissions from committee chairs.


Building – Kelly Fleischaker, Wayne Fleming

  • Report provided.

o   Painting of ice house has been completed.

o   Ice is on the way to being removed

o   Bar fridge did get repaired and maintenance schedule should be put in place

o   The committee is looking into getting additional lockers. Once options are found a request will be made to board. Some discussion on where the lockers will go.

o   New decal for window is on stream to be completed.

o   New numbers for scoreboards are being produced.

o   Jeff suggested that the decorative rock on outside of building be painted to standout. Darryl suggested some kind of sign on front entrance pillars. The committee will look at it.

o   Replacement of tv is underway

Events –Jenn Collins, Christy Trageton

Members: Karen Cole, Jenn Collins, Denise Juillard, Ashley Siggins (ad hoc), Christy Trageton.

  • Report provided.
  • Hollywood and HTH went well.
  • New bonspiel chairs will be getting an info session so they will be prepared. Bonspiel chairs are 85% in place. Bonspiel inboxes have been created. Bonspiel chairs need admin access to email boxes. Beki and Karen will discuss.
  • U5 bonspiel already has 21 out of 24 teams.
  • Next meeting will be Sept 10th.
  • Beki is hoping to have all bonspiel registration pages set up first week of August.


Leagues – Beki Horsman, Sean Aronson

Members: Wayne Fleming, Wes Seeger, Tracy Drummond, Joseph Rice.

  • No Report provided.
  • Meeting tomorrow, agenda will include some kind of league for Saturdays probably once a month.
  • League registrations will be open on August 1st.

Marketing and Communications - Darryl Horsman

  • No Report provided.
  • Marketing is taking a break right now with marketing to stop up in August. A strategy change will take place with respect to where marketing of events get posted.
  • USCA is going with an official beer which we may want to market.
  • Mark wants to know if we can put a couple of Sun Devil curling logos on the ice.

Membership and Skills Development – Lindsay Estabrooks and Wes Seeger

  • No Report provided.
  • Meeting to be scheduled in the next week or so.
  • Two Intro to Curling events have been booked sharing with Friday night ice.
  • Three try curling events are scheduled.
  • Corporate events are down due to volunteer availability. Jeff suggested some kind of reward for instructors

Women’s Committee – Denise Juillard, Debra Aubrey.

  • No Reports provided.
  • Denise will chair again, Carrie McDonald will be USWCA rep.
  • Ladies night was a big success, investigation will take place see about feasibility for a regular Ladies Night.


Pandemic Operational Protocol Committee – Wes Seeger, Jenn Collins, Mark Anderson, Tom Fuller, and Jeff Baird.

  • No report provided.
  • An increase in numbers of cases, hospitalization and deaths.

Old Business:


Short term facilities change [Mark Anderson, Karen Cole]

·       Much discussion re: mixed gender change rooms, changing in locker rooms, no consensus arrived at.

·       Karen will send ideas from her and Jeff to Wayne and or Kelly with the goal of coming up with a short term locker/change room change.


Update on Insurance Claim. [Mark Anderson]

·       No Update, move to In Committee


Kevin Martin Skills Camp [Wes Seeger, Darryl Horsman]

·       Event has been finalized, a la carte pricing with a gold package discount

·       Oct. 24th weekend

·       There is a Lupus donation aspect where people can buy options for a 4 end game with Kevin Martin.   Kevin gets $7000, club gets some profits depending on numbers.


Volunteer appreciation program [D. Aubrey, M. Anderson, Lindsay Estabrooks

·       Debbie has reopened work on volunteer appreciation and will report back to board.






New Business:


2024/25 Collegiate Spiel [Mark Anderson]

·       Teams’ costs and revenue distribution [Mark Anderson]

·       4-8 teams, we will provide the ice pro bono and let ASU keep the revenues.

·       Darryl moved that entry fees for Collegiate Spiel will go to Sun Devil curling team, Marh seconded - motion approved


USCA Junior Qualifier [Mark Anderson, Karen Cole]

·       Vegas has volunteered to take the event in upcoming season

·       A future discussion re: whether to host a jr event in future and calendar it


USCA Membership Meeting [Mark Anderson}

·       Mark will be voting for the club at USCA membership meeting August 9th

·       Mark will check on the status of the GNCC vote and if contentious will sequester info from board.

·       Darryl suggested that we have two reps at meeting one female, one male. Mark will look into it


·       Hollywood spiel didn’t do as well as usual, so Mark suggested we maybe help with a bit of a donation


In Committee


Detailed Business Model for Corporate Events [Lindsay Estabrooks, Membership Committee] - Report Pending


Stone replacement [S Aaronson, Budget Committee]

·       New rocks cost CAD 15,500 per sheet for new rocks with a lead time of about 18 months. [At today’s exchange rates … USD $11,364]

·       Reconditioning our current rocks - would need to wait until next summer as Canada Curling Stone (vendor) is at capacity right now. 

o    Recondition strike bands – CAD 1,600 per sheet.

o    Recondition running surface both sides – CAD 1,800 per sheet.

o    Shipping per sheet – CAD 1,500 each way

o    Total per sheet: CAD 6,400 per sheet
[At today’s exchange rate … USD $4848 per sheet]

·       Proposal is to ship all 5 sets. Canada Curling Stone will identify the best, most matched 4 sets out of those rocks.

o    Will vendor only ship 4 sets back?


Volunteer appreciation program [D. Aubrey, M. Anderson, Lindsay Estabrooks, Executive Committee]

·       Devise a strategy and rewards for an effective Volunteer Appreciation Program


Records Retention [D Aubrey, Executive Committee]

·       Digitize existing corporate paper documents.

·       Set up a repeatable structure for storage of digitized corporate documents.


Update on Insurance Claim. [Mark Anderson]

·       No Update, move to In Committee


Next Meeting: Tuesday, August 20/2024 @ 5:30P.M. by video/conference call

Adjournment: A motion was made by Karen Cole and seconded by Mark Anderson to adjourn the meeting at 6:41 p.m. The motion carried unanimously with no further discussion.

Note: The Board of Directors Open Business Meeting Minutes are maintained on the cccmember site for the last three months. If a member would like to see minutes from a prior meeting or meetings, please send a request to the current secretary at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Respectfully Submitted,

W. Seeger, Secretary

Coyotes Curling Club


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