Coyotes Curling Club – Covid-19 Participant Agreement
Application- all athletes, coaches, members, volunteers, participants and family members of participants while in attendance at club activities (“Participants”)
All Participants of Coyotes Curling Club agree to abide by the following points when entering club facilities and/or participating in club activities under the COVID-19 Response plan and Coyotes Curling Club Return to Curling Protocols:
- I agree to symptom screening checks, and will let my club know if I have experienced any of the symptoms in the last 14 days.
- I agree to stay home if feeling sick, and remain home for 14 days if experiencing COVID-19 symptoms.
- I agree to sanitize my hands upon entering and exiting the facility, with soap or sanitizer.
- I agree to sanitize my equipment upon entering and exiting the facility with soap or sanitizer.
- I agree to sanitize the equipment (shared and personal equipment) I use throughout my participation in activities, with the approved cleaning products provided by the club.
- I agree to continue to follow social distancing protocols of staying at least 2m (6 feet) away from others.
- I agree to not share any equipment during my participation in activities.
- I agree to abide by all of the Coyotes Curling Club’s COVID-19 Policies, Guidelines and Protocols.
- I understand that some Policies, Guidelines and Protocols will change as the club advances or retreats through the re-opening color coded phases and that I must adapt to those changing protocols.
- I understand that if I do not abide by the aforementioned policies/guidelines that I may be asked to leave the club for up to 14 days to help protect myself and others around me.
- I acknowledge that continued abuse of the policies and/or guidelines may result in suspension of my club membership temporarily.
- I acknowledge that there are risks associated with entering club facilities and/or participating in club activities, and that the measures taken by the club and participants, including those set out above and under the COVID-19 Response Plan and Return to Sport Protocols, will not entirely eliminate those risks.